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Chapter 2: Atoms and Molecules

An atom is the smallest particle of an element. It is made up of: protons, neutrons and electrons.
-Symbol: p
-Has a relative mass of 1
-Has a positive charge
-Has a relative mass of 1
-Has a neutral charge (0).
-Symbol: e
-Has a relative mass of 1/2000
-Has a negative charge

The nucleus of the atom consists of protons and neutrons. The total number of neutrons and protons is called the nucleon number. Electrons move around the nucleus in fixed orbits.
The number of protons and electrons are actually the same (for example, if the atom has 8 protons, you will know it has 8 electrons). To determine the number of neutrons, subtract the proton number from the mass number to know the number of neutrons the atom has (for example, if the proton number is 17 and there are 8 protons, the number of neutrons is 9).

Examples of positive and negative ions
Initially, I did not know that atoms formed ions, but now I know. Some atoms lose or gain electrons to form the noble gas structure, as it is structurally stable. When an atom loses an electron, it forms a positive ion as there is one less negative charge, thus meaning there are now more protons. When an atom gains an electron, it forms a negative ion, as there is an additional negative charge, thus meaning there are more electrons than protons now.

I've also learnt about molecules are formed from atoms too. Some share electrons with other atoms by combining to form molecules. There are two types of molecules: Molecules of Elements and Molecules of Compounds. Molecules of elements usually consist of a fixed number of the same type of atom. several examples of such molecules are hydrogen gas, oxygen gas and bromine gas. Molecules of compounds are made up of a fixed number of different types of atoms Such examples of these molecules are water, carbon dioxide and ammonia. The Particulate Model of Matter consists of particles but they can be refined to molecules, For example, liquid particles are actually molecules made up of 2 hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom.

I've learnt how to write chemical formulas, which tells us the type and number of each type of atom present in one molecule of the substance.
Water - H20: It's made up of 2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom
Glucose molecule - C6H12O6: It's made up of 6 Carbon atoms, 12 Hydrogen atoms and 6 Oxygen atoms
I find the knowledge of atoms very useful, as I now know what exactly are matter made up of, and the different types of products formed when atoms are chemically combined together. Before learning this topic, I only knew what is oxygen and carbon dioxide, but not what it is made of. However, now I know, and I feel more knowledgeable.

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Chapter 1: The Particulate Model of Matter

Everything around us is matter, but what exactly is matter made up of?? Now I know. It's made up tiny particles, which are arranged in a pattern and are constantly moving about. The particles in each state of matter are arranged differently and move at different speeds.

Particles are packed tightly together due to the strong attraction among one another. This results in solids not being able to be compressed. The particles are arranged in a fixed, regular pattern, which explains why solids have a fixed shape and volume. As the solids are packed very closely together, there's not much room for movement, hence the particles can only vibrate about their fixed positions.
Particles are attracted to one another, therefore they are packed closely together. As a result, liquids cannot be compressed. The particles are not arranged in a fixed pattern, thus the particles are able to slide past one another and move over short distances, which explains why liquids do not have a fixed shape.
Particles are weakly attracted to one another, thus they are far apart from one another. Due to the huge space between the particles, gases can be compressed easily. The particles also travel at high speeds in random directions, which means they are free to occupy any available space. This explains why a gas has no fixed shape or volume.

The Particulate Model of Matter helps to explain the changes in states of matter. The different changes are: Melting, Freezing, Boiling, Condensation and Sublimation. For melting and boiling, the particles are strongly heated. This causes the particles to gain energy and thus, move at a faster speed. Once they have possessed sufficient energy (meaning they have reaching the melting/boiling point) the particles then overcome the forces of attraction, thus breaking free from one another. As for freezing and condensation, heat is removed from the particles, and the particles gradually lose energy, hence moving less rapidly. As the temperature continues to drop, the particles lose more energy till they are close enough to be attracted to one another.

Sublimation is a unique process whereby a solid turns into a gas directly, passing the liquid state entirely. One such example of sublimation is dry ice. In terms of the particulate model of matter, the original arrangement of the particles in the solid state is a fixed pattern, with the particles packed tightly due to the strong attraction between them and vibrating about their fixed position. As heat is applied, the particles begin to gain energy and vibrate about their fixed positions vigorously. As the temperature continues to increase, the particles move even more rapidly, till the point where they have possessed enough kinetic energy to overcome the forces of attraction, they break free from one another and spread out far apart from one another, moving at high speeds in all directions. The solid has turned into a gas.

For this topic, I also learnt about the heating and cooling curves. The temperature starts rising from below zero degree Celsius, as the melting point of solids is zero. As the temperature increases, the particles gain energy and begin to vibrate more rapidly. As the temperature continues to rise, the particles begin to vibrate even more vigorously till it reaches the melting point of solids. The heat supplied is used to overcome the forces of attraction between the particles, hence the temperature doesn't rise but remain constant. In this phase of changing from a solid to a liquid, there is the same amount of solid particles and liquid particles.
Once all the particles have broken free, the temperature continues to rise. The liquid particles, now in clusters, gain energy and move about rapidly till it reaches the boiling point of liquids (100 degree Celsius). Here, the temperature remains constant once more as the supplied heat is used to overcome the forces of attraction between the liquid particles. The liquid particles begin to break free from one another and form gas particles. The amount of liquid particles and gas particles is about the same. Once all the liquid particles have broken free, the particles are now spaced far apart from one another due to the weak attraction between them and move at high speeds in different directions.

I see...
-that the 3 states of matter are related as they change from one form to another each time heat is applied due to the different arrangements of the particles.
-when heat is applied, the particles are arranged differently, spreading further apart in each state.
-when heat is lost, the particles' movement is less hectic.
I think...
-with the particulate model of matter, the processes of melting, condensation, boiling and freezing can be better understood.
-the different states of matter is now easier to understand, as we know why some matter can be compressed whereas why others can't.
-one is able to explain daily life situations, such as the melting of ice in a drink, with the Particulate Model of Matter
I wonder...
-what will happen if the particles cease moving.
-why do particles have to be in constant motion.

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Lesson 6: FRUITY DNA!! Wednesday 29 September 2010

That day, we conducted an experiment: the extraction of DNA from
fruits. I had brought along a strawberry for this experiment. First, we needed to place our fruit in a zip-lock bag together with a spoonful of common salt and dishwasher. Then, after closing the bag, we were to smash our fruits into really fine pieces. I could hear lots of banging on the table as people smashed their fruits. After we have smashed our fruits into fine pieces, we were to slowly pour the smashed content into a small container till it's half-filled. Next comes the really exciting part. Tilting the container at a 45 degree angle, we gently added alcohol so that the container becomes three-quarters full. Now all we had to do was wait. I stared intently at the container and I was delighted at seeing the DNA strands of the strawberry!! These DNA strands appeared as white thin strings. I had taken several snapshots of the strawberry DNA as shown above. This experiments enables me to know the method of extraction of DNA from a fruit. I think that this is a really fun way to learn about the extraction of DNA s. We get to have hands on activities and at the same time, are able to learn about the extraction of DNA s. We should have more of such experiments in the future.
Mdm Riza also went through some information about DNA. I've learnt that humans communicate through sentences while DNA communicates through codes formed by 4 letters: A, T, C and G. DNA genes are known as instructions which will tell the DNA what proteins to make.

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Lesson 5: Webspiration Thursday 23 September 2010

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Lesson 4: Cells Exploration Monday 20 September 2010

That day, we were to work in groups of 3 or 4 to create a magnified version of a cell. My group, which consists of Zulhilmi, Wei Wen and me, decided to create an animal cell. We were supposed to choose some materials from the front of the laboratory to use in our cell. Wei Wen and I chose almost everything to put in the agar-agar, which is the cytoplasm of the cell. At first, we were at a loss as we had a huge supply of materials. However, we sorted the different parts of the cell out and decided on the material to be used to represent the cell part. We managed to successfully use all the materials we have taken. During the process of creating our animal cell, Wei Wen took plentiful photos. We were to use these photos to come up with a photo story. Simply put, it means that we have to arrange these pictures in an order to tell a cell story.Zul also took several snapshots of our final product together with Wei wen from different angles. I feel that this hands-on experiment is a really interesting way to learn about the cell parts and where they are located. Instead of reading from textbooks, we are able to have fun and at the same time, learn about cells. I hope that we are able to conduct more of these kind of experiments!

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Lesson 3: Interview Thursday 16 September 2010

Everyone in the class was to be interviewed by Mdm Riza to see if we were suitable for the job we were applying. I felt really nervous about this interview for I wanted to impress the interviewer. However, I feel that I could have done a better job during the interview. This is a point which I need to work on so that I could be a better presenter in the future. We were also given a worksheet to complete when waiting for our turn to be interviewed. The worksheet was to test our knowledge of the different parts of an animal cell and its functions and how important it was to keep the cell healthy.

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